Sound Therapy delves into the intricate world of the creative mind, interweaving great music, lively guest interviews and insightful discussion.
Join host J Peachy and guests as they share fresh, inspiring perspectives on creative expression, issues of mental wellness, health & disability, and offer alternatives in self-care and personal well being.
Join us every Tuesday at 7pm on CJSF 90.1 FM, and online at In addition, all episodes are archived on this website.
In addition, we broadcast video portions of our radio content on local community television, contact us if you want our program in your region.
Canadian Sound Therapy Arts Society (CSTAS) Television
The Canadian Sound Therapy Arts Society is a non-profit society created to use the power of art and nature to create dialogue and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health in Canada. As part of our mandate and as an access producer we have several weekly time slots on the community television channel broadcast on Shaw Cable 4.
There are two ways to get involved. We are looking for people with a passion for the media to help us in the production of our shows. We are looking for people with ideas who might want to produce content for one of our weekly spots seen by all Shaw cable subscribers as part of their basic cable package .
To hear more or participate in this fantastic project come out on
Wednesday, October 10 7:00 p.m.
Granville Street Arts Studio,
305 - 1067 Granville
Subject Line: J Peachy retires from Sound Therapy Radio
Today marks the official day that I formally retire from Sound Therapy Radio. Over the past few months a new group of radio programmers, Lauren, June and Megan have been successfully taking over the daily production of the show. While this community radio program is owned by no-one in particular, the radio crew will be responsible for producing the weekly magazine program, which broadcasts on CJSF 90.1 FM Burnaby . Over the past three years the program has grown organically through many different contributors, hosts, guests and listeners. The program has won many awards including a National Radio Award, CJSF Station awards and recognition from the Canadian Mental Health Association - Simon Fraser Branch.
I will be continuing with other work in the same spirit that developed the radio program. We hope you keep listening and supporting the program.
Introducing The Burrard Inlet Fish Fest
Presented by The Canadian Sound Therapy Arts Society
Port Moody BC, Canada. The Burrard Inlet Fish Fest is a multidisciplinary arts and cultural experience that celebrates the aquatic ecosystem of the amazing waters that surround us. It is common to many people living in the West Coast paradise that nature is a powerful healer. Please join us on Saturday August 11th, as local and visiting artists share their gifts of live musical performance, art creation, and creative workshops
Saturday, August 11 - 11am-8pm
at Rocky Point Park,
Port Moody, Unceded Coast Salish Territories
Beginning with a ceremonial canoe journey from Whey-ah-Wichen aka Cates Park to Rocky Point with representatives from the Musqueam, Tseil Watuth, Squamish and Sto:lo Nations, the 1st Annual Burrard Inlet Fish Fest will be raising awareness and funds for Burrard Inlet Marine Protection Programs & The Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society.
The day will feature Live Art installations, Internationally recognized indigenous performance, music, spoken word and comedy including: OSTwelve, Chief Rock, Rapsure Risin, Git Hayetsk Dancers, Joyelle Brandt, The John Pippus Band, Mahlikah Awe:ri, Jody Quine, Earle Peach, Patrick Connors, DJ Gleyse DeFranca, Azimyth, Melanie Rose, Avy Crowchild, RedSoul Bluez and much more.
For further information and interviews, please contact the project office at: email: [email protected]
About the Canadian Sound Therapy Arts Society
Canadian Sound Therapy Arts Society, is a collective of multi-disciplinary creative individuals who believe in the power of the arts to heal, express and communicate. The Society produces the award winning program Sound Therapy Radio, which broadcasts on CJSF 90.1 FM Burnaby and Shaw Cable 4 Vancouver.
Comic Mike MacDonald needs to know your blood type.
I met Mike at my Stand up for Mental Health Gala in May 2010. It was a dream day for me, I performed live at the Stanley Theatre in Vancouver for the first time in front of a large live audience, I got to speak for myself, in my own voice and talk about my experience disorder and all. Mike is internationally reknown and has many times performed at Just for Laughs, however that day he came up from Los Angeles to support our big event. That evening stayed with us back stage, performed amazingly, ate dinner with us and the next day even sat down with the our class and alumni. Mike shared his knowledge, comedic experience and gifts with us. He was human, inspiring, honest and obviously effing hilarious.
Mike now has some physical health problems and needs your help. Here is a message, that he wrote from Saturday May 12th, hopefully we can help him out.
If you are not the right blood type, cash donations can me made here.
Benefit Event Listings
Just For Mike, (Mike Allan MacDonald) Music Benefit Shows at TWO venues June 3 The Elmdale House Tavern, 7 to 11PM & June 25 The Rainbow Bistro
About 14 months ago I was diagnosed as having hepatitis C. which causes severe havoc to the liver along with a domino affect of other problems. Fortunately the diagnosis was made early and only a very small portion of my liver was damaged. Ironically though this proved to make a liver transplant premature and traditional drug treatments without prescription coverage would be too financially burdening. Some new drug treatments were as high as $5,000.00 a month. I was told by my highly respected liver specialist in Ottawa that if I could maintain myself on minor medications and a low salt/protein food regimen I could be eligible for a liver transplant in two to two and a half years.
I took the news as best I could and I continued to try to earn a living performing anywhere I could in Canada-hoping and dreaming for a financial break in other side projects. Unfortunately it was already an uphill battle. Years ago when I went public about being bi-polar manic depressive I found that it had interfered with my reputation as a desired headlining comedian and had even prevented me from getting certain jobs. I refused to back down despite ‘advice’ to the contrary and remain proud of the work I have done with ‘Stand Up For Mental Health’ which at it’s core attempts to eradicate the stigma of mental illness.
The downward economic times had been slowly getting worse and now several setbacks occurred as my liver began to affect certain aspects of my performances such as; energy, concentration, balance, and even my hearing. At one point I couldn’t perform for 3 months which put a humungous strain on my financial and marital situation.
Bonnie, my saint of a wife, who for years had begged me to move us back to Canada (something I should have agreed to years ago) struggled to keep us afloat and hold on to our modest home in Glendale California. On her two days off from her job (that doesn’t even pay to cover the mortgage) she continues to handle everything financially including our home renovations so we can hopefully sell it for a reasonable price and cut all our ties there. I certainly wasn’t helping much on the financial end. On one of few visits to see Bonnie over the last year I tripped over a curb and broke two ribs leading to more U.S. medical bills. After getting us out of credit card debt finally after the last three years Bonnie reluctantly jumped back into deep debt. My wife has been through hell and back so many times but she still hangs in there with me. I am so profoundly proud of her and will love her with all my heart and soul forever. Sometimes I feel like Job, from the bible, but I refuse to turn my back on God and continue every day to pledge to Bonnie that I will not give up this fight.
Thankfully over the last year with the occasional gig from Mark Breslin’s Yuk Yuk’s, my corporate agents Judy and Nancy at Callback Ent., and especially Matt Billon-who has taken chance after chance and gone with me on the road for several BlackJack Comedy Tours-I managed to send some money back to Bonnie. Unfortunately on the last Black Jack tour in B.C. in March, which took Matt and I to these tiny little venues and places-most I had never even heard of-which was fine for me-work was work and the audiences were great-I had an ‘incident’ on stage that was a result of a problem with my liver for some reason. I had no idea of the symptoms leading up to the ‘incident’ but for about a week I had experienced severe itching on my legs and I had been continually nodding off like a junkie. Matt and I shrugged it off as just being tired performing shows-28 shows in 28 towns in 30 days. During a performance about five days later I just flipped out on stage to the point where Matt had to pry the microphone out of my hand to stop me from repeating the set up for a joke for the umpteenth time. I was rushed by ambulance to the hospital. My fluids were flushed completely and I was put on heavy antibiotics. The doctors were unsure exactly what had happened but they speculated it was some kind of liver poisoning. I was released four days later and finished the tour on fumes and returned to Ottawa on April 1. I had a scheduled appointment with my liver specialist on April 11 and a airline ticket to go see Bonnie the next day back in California.
The final knock out punch for me came on April 5, around 11:00 p.m. I experienced pain in my stomach that felt like it was something trying to claw it’s way out. I would rank it up there with my old kidney stones, migraines or any other painful experience I’ve ever had. I was admitted into Ottawa’s General Hospital ICU unit. I had contracted a severe infection somehow that shut down my liver which in turn shut down my kidneys. By the end of my three week stay about 12 litres of infected fluid had been drained from my stomach and antibiotics were changed twice to combat the severity of the infection. Without going into the many gory details-I wouldn’t wish the entire experience on my worst enemy.
Four days after being released from the hospital I had an appointment with my liver specialist to access the multitude of test results. The news was devastating. I was told that the recent infection that I was recovering from was so severe that I couldn’t wait two years for a liver transplant. My specialist sent an e-mail to Toronto (they don’t do liver transplants in Ottawa) to begin procedures to possibly get me on the cadaver liver donor list. My specialist also told me that even though she had never had a patient die on her in this situation, it was an extremely long shot that another infection could be too strong for the antibiotics I was on and would kill me if I didn’t change my lifestyle dramatically.
From the very start of this whole thing I was not allowed to drive anymore. Now I can’t fly and shouldn’t travel-for any great length-for work or certainly not for any frivolous reasons. As far as performing my act-My specialist suggested I do it just in Ottawa (like it’s a 9-5 job I can show up and do it in the same place Monday through Friday) Even for work my specialist insisted I wait for a few months pending weekly blood tests and nutrition evaluations. (one of my favorites-I had to turn down Just for Laughs 30th Anniversary this year) Bonnie-who I haven’t seen since New Year’s Eve (we talk on the phone every day-thank God for cheap cell phone plans) immediately cashed out our retirement savings plans to maintain things for a few months so we don’t lose everything. God willing we can be reunited in Ottawa as soon as possible.
One bit of good news (I hope) I received a letter saying I have an appointment for an initial assessment to get on the donor list in Toronto on June 12. My brother John a.k.a. Johnny Vegas will drive me. I hope I get accepted. I have to admit for the first time in my life I’m really afraid-What if I don’t get accepted?-How long will it take if I do? Then there’s the guilt. There’s more deserving people on that list than me…
One ray of hope though is my specialist told me about living donors, which could possibly be a member of my family. Unfortunately my immediate family are all ineligible-Thus the main reason for this message but also the source of my struggle to find the right words to say. I’ve always prided my self for never taking hand outs and being self sufficient. At times I feel I’m going through these recent events in my life because of the sometimes unfeeling, cruel arrogance of my youth and no matter how many charity events or good things I’ve done in my life-I feel that maybe what is happening to me now is what I deserve. I am not without sin. Maybe it’s been so hard to write this message because I’m ashamed to ask for some thing I’m not sure I would have the courage to do myself. Maybe it’s the thought of everyone declining to help. In any case I just couldn’t ask like I was asking a simple favor despite any advice otherwise. I felt you had the right to know the story behind my situation. Simply put-I need a living donor…
You would have to be the same blood type as me: O Negative. (my specialist also mentioned something about O Positive maybe working too) The way it was explained to me by my specialist is that a portion of your liver would replace my liver then both the portion inside of me and the rest of your liver would regenerate to full size. The liver is one organ that is truly amazing in it’s abilities.
Obviously intent would be the first step towards tons of procedural red tape and logistics but one baby step at a time. I know this is not a normal thing to ask but I just simply don’t know what else to do.
What can I say? I feel like Jimmy Stewart in, ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’. Never in my wildest dreams-and I can dream with the best of the them-did I ever imagine that the response of love and positive energy would be so fast and intense. With all of this and the monitary donations providing my wife with a ray of hope for the future in case of any unforseen emergencies and for my mother who despite her fixed pension has profided all the things I need for my daily existance-There are no words to accurately explain just what your help means to me and my family. Although the last three and a half days have been a humbling and overwhelming expierience to say the least, I have no choice but to be happy as my faith in humanity has been completely restored. I pledge to fight the good fight with renewed compassion and conviction. Thank you and God Bless You all.
A Sound Therapy Valentines discussion with Lauren, June, Leroy and Aleister. We also launch the Hug Mafia Team? Helen Daniels from Arts Connect also gives us an update.
We have three special guests who discuss living with schizo-affective disorder, and how they manage their active minds so they can function in society.
A special show dedicated to creative musical warrior, Rick Lavallie. Ricky knew his gift of music, he had the courage to share it, lots of people listened and its simplicity was powerful.
For Immediate Release-January 8, 2012, Vancouver, BC
Award winning radio show, Sound Therapy, begins broadcasting on Shaw Television Vancouver
The award winning Sound Therapy Radio show is taking their message to television! The Radio program is a project of the non-profit organization, Canadian Sound Therapy Arts Society, which is made up of diverse, progressive thinkers and artists, committed to eliminating stigma and creating conversation around mental health issues in Canada. The organization’s television programming will begin broadcasting every Sunday night at 7:30pm through Shaw Cable 4, Vancouver. The Canadian Sound Therapy Arts Society is eager about the opportunity to collaborate with the Vancouver Community Media Assocation, Shaw Cable, local creative thinkers and contributors from the community to entertain, educate and bring awareness to audiences through this new medium.
In today’s epsiode we take explore the healing language of nature with musical guests Theda Phoenix and Alicia Hansen. In what is a stark contrast, we speak with Jordan from the Occupy Victory Media Tour who is in New York at Occupy Wall Street.